
What is Faith… Really?

I recently read a post by Holley Gerth which spoke of the relation between faith and trust. She mentioned the common misconception that more faith equals more results. And it got me thinking.

What is it that we are believing about faith? Are we believing that it is up to us? That all we need is more faith? And if we are, then isn’t this just another roller coaster ride toward works and away from the simplicity of trust? Trust in the sufficiency of God to meet our every need in his time and his way?

Maybe every hint in this direction is in fact a whisper of the enemy to derail us in our seeking to be pleasing enough to a God who already finds us utterly pleasing. Maybe this is his way of keeping us from the only thing that truly matters. From simply trusting in Jesus– for everything.

And isn’t that what faith really is? A lifting up of our weary hands to a God who is stronger than anything we are facing? And saying– Yes, Lord. No matter what happens.

What if this was how we viewed faith? Not as something we need more of but as something we trust him for.

What if we began trusting him fully for the too big for us stuff?

Think of something that is weighing heavily on your heart today. How might this perspective help you to release the burden of it up to him where it belongs?


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