Category: Blog

Being Present in His Presence

Water droplets sparkled and shimmered on the tiny leaves of the baby ash tree outside my window after a light morning rain. I stood staring. Entranced. With one small gesture, God was inviting me to enter in to this moment with him. A simple, yet captivating invitation. An awareness of …

The Promise

I stood chopping vegetables on a large wooden cutting board in my mother’s kitchen. I had come over early to help her prepare for a family gathering later that afternoon … when it happened. The world around me stilled. The knife fell gently from my hands onto the board in …

Prayer and the Peace of God

I gripped the cooling cup of coffee in my hand and cried. Please, God, please. Help me to understand. Give me your wisdom. I need it desperately. I cannot think differently. I cannot stop feeling afraid. I want to feel safe … not just know in my head that I …

Learning To Live Loved

We know how to survive. We’ve become experts at it — and have even carved out a sense of safety within it for ourselves. We learn from the world that it’s up to us. So we build walls. Perimeters around us to self protect. To monitor closely what comes in …

To Be Misunderstood

We’ve all experienced it. The frustration of being misunderstood. A person makes a decision about us. They rationalize it in their minds. And it becomes truth to them and to anyone they’re able to rally into their corner of belief. It destroys families. It destroys friendships. It destroys peace. It’s …

Words of Hope in Shark-infested Waters

“What are you thinking about?” My friend’s words floated gently into my subconscious. I looked at him. He was genuinely intrigued. “You were somewhere else,” he said. “Peaceful.” I looked back at the horizon stretching out endlessly over the expanse of water in front of me … blue-green in the …

Living With Open Hands

I sit quietly with my Bible open on my lap and gaze outside my window. Two clouds converge and seem to kiss in the pale blue sky. This makes me think about how all things come together in God’s way and timing. And I wonder. How much of my life …

Connected to The Vine

My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. Luke 1:46 I love this verse because of its intimate nature. This is a young woman who knows her Lord. Who wants to know him more. This is the kind of woman I long to be. About …

A Forever Love

My favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I love this movie for many reasons I won’t mention here, except to say that it’s a character study which intrigues me. Probably because deep inside of myself, I can relate with the main character’s longings and fears. She reminds me of me. …

My Joy Is In You

Like many around me, I’m in a season of loss right now. It’s felt long … and as though it may never end. And it’s here that I’ve thought about joy more than ever before. It’s here that I’ve learned to open my hands before God and say what will …