
Jehovah Shammah

He is Near

Jehovah Shammah means The Lord is present.

This does not always feel true for me.

Instead, I have often felt myself swallowed up in darkness as if he has let go of my hand.

Do you relate?

So what does this look like to a heart grappling for faith in the midst of fear and doubt?

It looks like abandonment.

But if you believe God is who he says he is, then this can’t be true. If you believe God is who he says he is, then you will know what the truth is even when it feels entirely different.

And the truth is that you are his chosen daughter.

You are profoundly loved.

And you are fully-covered in the righteousness of Christ.

When your emotions and circumstances derail you (and they will) remember who and whose you are.

And let the lies that keep you stuck fall away into the deep ocean of God’s love for you.

You are his dream and his vision.

And Mightier than the waves of the sea is his love for you. Psalm 93:4, ESV


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