
A Forever Love

My favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I love this movie for many reasons I won’t mention here, except to say that it’s a character study which intrigues me. Probably because deep inside of myself, I can relate with the main character’s longings and fears. She reminds me of me.

In the movie, Holly (who is the main character)… well… she’s lost. Not in the sense that she needs a good GPS, but in her sense of belonging and identity. And while she desperately wants to be found, the thought of it frightens her equally.

What will that mean? She’s learned to exist on her own and managed well enough. It’s what she knows and understands. It’s familiar which brings a sense of security. And what if once she’s found, she’s discarded? How in the knowing can she ever go back? Would she emotionally survive that loss?

No. It’s better just to leave things as they are. It’s safer. At least she knows what to expect… and what will be expected of her.

So she resists. Until the desire to be fully known screams inside of her and rises higher than the fear of what it may cost her.

And she takes the risk of choosing trust.

In the movie, Holly chose to trust a person in the end. But what of us? Is that always a safe option? Sadly, no. But because we belong to God, he has chosen to identify us by his love. It’s the mark of a belonging which will never end and will never be reconfigured based on our ability to hold onto it. It is forever. He will never stop wanting us.

He will never give us up.

So what does that mean for us when we feel lost, which we often still do?

It means we can choose to believe what’s true over what seems true at the time.

And God will meet us right there in that tiny crevice of faith and pull us up onto level ground. Where he’s always waiting for us.

He will never leave you. He will never forsake you. You are his.

And he will find you as many times in as many places in as many ways as it takes.

For the rest of your life.

You are known by the one who created you. And that’s as real as it gets.

God, I am yours. You are mine. We belong to each other. And we always will. Help me understand this in the deepest parts of myself so that I can take down my walls and drop my barriers and let you love me for real.  Amen.



  1. Marisol MacCheyne February 9, 2023
    • Kelly Anne Burns February 9, 2023

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