I lie still in my bed staring up at the lights dancing on my ceiling from the glowing pool outside my window. I have questions. Things I don’t understand. Hope that seems misplaced somehow.
And then a familiar song from my childhood springs up in my memory. A far off distant sound, childlike voices.
Trust and obey… there is no other way, a choir sings softly in my head, rocking my heart into an almost slumber. And in that moment, I remember who holds me. Who always did. And who always will.
Jesus loves me… this I know…. for the Bible tells me so. Breathe in, breathe out. Yes. I remember now. It’s you, Lord. You are the one who takes care of me.
I remember.
I will both lie down and sleep, in peace; for You alone, Oh Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8, NKJV
Our key verse is a balm to the soul.
If we believe it.
I have always struggled with trusting. The world around me has told me time and again that it’s much too risky. Better stay safe and go it alone. But since I was little, God has been telling me a different story. A story carved out of stone and etched in a cross. The story of a girl who is adored and dearly loved by her Father.
And though she shifts and turns and speculates, even eyeing him suspiciously at times– He waits and wonders at the beauty of her.
It is a Psalm 23 story that David penned well.
A love story from beginning to end.
So why do we doubt this version of our story? Why is it so hard to believe while the opposite is so ready to take up residence in our hearts?
Because dear one, we are forgetters.
We all read about the wandering Israelites and think– What in the world? But do we not do the same? We forget the evidence of his goodness, his mercy, his grace, his provision, and his love. We forget and we feel the weight of our fear bearing down on us. The heavy feeling of being alone. And before we know it, it’s all we can see.
But we are not alone. We never were. He has always been there.
Maybe it’s just time to remember.
Lord, you are the one who takes care of me. There is nothing I need that you have not provided. When I am weak, you make me strong. And when I am troubled, you give me your peace. Your grace makes me new. And you show me the right paths to take so that my life will honor you. You keep me safe in dark places and cover me with your light. I do not need to be afraid, ashamed, or overwhelmed because you have promised never to leave me. And one day, you will bring me to where you are. My past, my present, and my future are in your hands. My forever is with you. I am so grateful. Help me always to remember. In Jesus’ name, amen.