Like many around me, I’m in a season of loss right now. It’s felt long … and as though it may never end. And it’s here that I’ve thought about joy more than ever before. It’s here that I’ve learned to open my hands before God and say what will be will be.
Just give me more of You.
Our key verse in Isaiah speaks of a glorious future that is our inheritance in Christ Jesus when we give our hearts to Him.
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Isaiah 35:10, ESV
Oh how I long for that day, don’t you?
But what if we don’t have to wait to experience a glimpse of this kind of joy and gladness? What if our inheritance begins now?
I used to confuse happiness with joy. And in my humanness, I still do from time to time. But while happiness is dependent upon outside influences, joy can be found anywhere. In any circumstance.
It can be found in a mansion or in a rented room. If we are married or if we are single. In a prosperous nation or in a third world country. In prosperity or in poverty. Because it is in His presence alone that fullness of joy is found. (Psalm 16:11)
One day, we will be in the presence of God face to face, and all will be made right. We will see with His eyes and know the fullness of His light and love. All that was lost will be found. And our tears will be no more. One day, our joy will be complete!
But until that day comes, let’s not wait to pursue the fullness of His joy right here. Right now. We can begin today by asking Him for an undivided heart and by looking to Jesus as our every need and every desire. By loosening our grip on the things and the people around us. And by opening our hands to Him and desiring more of Him most of all. May this be our most passionate pursuit.
In this way, He will be our Joy. And our joy, even now, can be complete. Will you join me in giving Him this most precious gift of ourselves today?
Dear Lord, so often I have looked for my joy in the wrong places … and I have felt so lost. But in you, joy is my truth. It isn’t just something to be found, but something I become. I want this for myself. Help me. In Your Name I pray, amen.