We know how to survive. We’ve become experts at it — and have even carved out a sense of safety within it for ourselves. We learn from the world that it’s up to us. So we build walls. Perimeters around us to self protect. To monitor closely what comes in and what goes out. We play by rules that, in theory, will keep us from harm. And we require less of ourselves in relationships than we’re willing to lose.
In this modern age of independence (to put it mildly), we’ve forgotten that God created us for one another. That he created us for love.
So how do we, as his beloved, learn to live in this world in his love?
That can be a tricky question. Because while some boundaries are good to maintain healthy relationships and to protect our hearts and the hearts of others, some are meant to house us within ourselves and within the confines of our preferred safe places and spaces. And that idea is the very antitheses of what God meant when he exhorted us to love one another as ourselves. But to do that, we must first love ourselves. A bit ironic.
The truth is that love quite simply comes from God. And from that foundational place, it must then flow to us (where we first receive it) and through us (where it becomes alive and active in the world) and so on.
So let’s break that down for the sake of application. First, Love comes from God. Meaning it originates with him and is defined by him. Second, We receive it. Meaning we accept it for ourselves personally as real and true — and in the context of what he says love is. Third, It becomes alive and active. Meaning the world around us becomes a recipient of that healing love – the love of Christ through us.
This is the great commission. Our purpose as believers. We are indeed missionaries in this world in this way. Warriors in fact. And our weapon is his perfect love poured out through imperfect people. People like you and like me. Broken vessels. Fragile jars of clay. Holy instruments of his grace.
You, my love, are a walking miracle just waiting to happen.
Don’t wait. Begin today.
God, I’m humbled and amazed that you choose every day of my life to use me to introduce you to a world who does not know you. I’m here. I give you my life as a sacrifice to use in such ways as this. My life is precious to you and precious to the world who needs you. Thank you for this. May I never forget. I love you, amen.