
A Glimpse of Home

I want to tell you about a dream I had many years ago.

I was standing alone on a shore. Two cliffs loomed on either side ahead of me. And as I walked closer, they retreated … opening a pathway to a crystal sea that sparkled and shimmered like jewels.

I can still hear the gentle rush of waves as they scattered along the sandy shore.

And though the scene was extraordinary and breathtaking, it’s not the part of the dream which I remember most. It was the feeling I had in this place. I don’t have words to describe it because I honestly don’t believe they even exist in our vocabulary. But I have not known it before or since. An indescribable peace, joy, and wonder that transported me to somewhere unimaginable in my finite mind. And after all these years, I believe that in my dream — God gave me a glimpse of heaven.

He gave me a glimpse of home.

In dreams following, I would search for this place … never to find it again.

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. Jeremiah  33:3, NLT

I’ve been experiencing a great wave of enemy resistance in recent months, both emotional and physical, beckoning me to surrender to it instead of to my savior. 

And so on a day for me when tears came too easily, God reminded me of my dream. And the deepest parts of my soul took flight in the remembering. Because these are the secret, sacred spaces of our God that only we are shown. That only we can know.

He has a place for us. It’s called home. And it calls to us even now if we will listen.

I wonder if like me, you ever feel so utterly alone. Like no one could possibly understand or stand with you in the wake of all you’re experiencing and feeling. No one could ever completely be here … with you … in this.

If so, I want to tell you that there is an intimacy which transcends any human relationship. That pierces into the deepest parts of our aching hearts.

It’s with him.

Because he knows. He knows it all. Every unlovely thing. And he still loves us, desperately loves us.

He is your safe place. He is your savior. He is your home.

And he calls to you. Right now. Right where you are if you will listen.

Dear God,

You say your thoughts are higher than mine. And I know this to be true. So I thank you for the glimpses you show me to graciously give just a little piece of the greater story you are writing for me and for those you love. You are the lover of my soul. You are my home. My hiding place. I thank you that I am safe in your everlasting arms. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


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