
Peace in Our Purpose

I sit in my favorite chair with a steaming cup of rose-flavored coffee in my hand. And I breathe. In and hold. Out … slowly. Then again. Each time, the racing of my heart slows a bit more. And my shaky frame settles into stillness.

It had been a tense and stress-laden morning. And I desperately needed quiet and calm to invade the places where anxiety had stolen a seat.

God, help me, I say. Give me your peace. Make my soul aware of your presence.

I sense he is there. And while nothing in my circumstances has changed, a peaceful knowing reaches deeper than the anxious thoughts could ever dream of doing — and they temper at his presence.

This is the nature of trust. A believing which transcends all we see or feel in the moment. A knowing that he will reach in and satisfy the longing in our hearts with the steady beat of his love. That it will revive us. And sustain us once again.

Let me hear your loyalty in the morning,
For in you I trust;
Let me know the way to go,
For to you I lift up my life. Psalm 143:8

Notice how David is keeping his thoughts focused on the present moment with God. This is where we meet with him. Not in our yesterdays or our tomorrows. But in our here and now. 

While we each have a unique calling in this life, there is a purpose we all share equally as children of God. One which outweighs every other. And that is simply to be with him.

It is the very thing which brings in every good thing of and from God. And is the key ingredient to accessing all that is available to us through his Spirit.

I like to say this aloud when I need a reminder of this. I say it daily to welcome in a right spirit in me and my surroundings —

Come, Holy Spirit, come …

and change the atmosphere.

Change the atmosphere of my heart, of my home, of my family.

Change the atmosphere of my relationships.

And the list goes on. 

You can personalize this as a declaration and prayer according to your circumstances and present needs and/or struggles. I say it a bit differently each day and proclaim it over others I love who are believers as well.

It is a life-changing, power-provoking prayer. And I encourage you to join me in it.

Dear God,

Though darkness surrounds us, we are not alone. There is One who is greater. You. So as your children, we call forth your Spirit and your light into our homes, our environment, our relationships, our families, and our hearts. We receive the peace and the power promised to us as we seek out a greater intimacy with you. May it be the very foundation we walk upon today. In Jesus’ most holy name we pray, amen and amen.


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